Patronage (voluntary) work on socially meaningful objects of Perm region and Perm
Volunteer (patronage) work in Perm youth social union “Ural-service” has being provided since 1970’s in the preparatory period of each season (since October till May). Annually in zonal headquarter (administration) the list of patronage objects is determined. The biggest part of them usually stays unchangeable, because this work there has being conducting for many years. At the same time, updatings are made, new addresses are added.
Traditionally objects for realization volunteer work are socially meaningful institutions and organizations.
Summer working (voluntary) camps KUCHINO (GULAG museum "Perm-36") and BELOGORSKY MONASTERY
Ежегодно ПМСО "Урал-сервис" проводятся летние волонтерские лагеря - «Белогорский монастырь» и «Кучино»